Banner (Wordpress vs Blogger)Created by Anthony Frank

Really the question is "Do you plan on commercial blogging (selling products) or just plan on writing?"

As a web developer, I am always tying out new technologies and figuring out which is best for my needs so I may help my customers later on. When I first came to Blogger, it was quick and easy to setup a blog. I was able to hit the ground running within minutes. The built in analytic software was nice, integration with Adsense was definitely a plus, and the fact that it was not covered in Ads was a big win for me. So why did I switch?

I switched because there was little room for editing the HTML. Meaning their were few customizing options available at that time. I was stuck into a series of ugly templates that just didn't present what I wanted to display to my audience. So I hosted my own Wordpress site through my own web host (ipage). Remember there is a big difference between and as hosting options. One forces you to have adds with limited customization. The other is an open source engine that you install onto your own webhost free of Ads unless you want them.

Since that time, I have used a ton of Wordpress sites for their amazing plugins. I love Wordpress for many things. I was able to setup powerful scripts in minutes that would have taken hours to program by hand. The themes were amazing. Wordpress is very SEO oriented much like it's rival competition Blogger. The analytics is arguably a bit better on Wordpress than it is on Blogger. Yet I was not not happy.

I prefer to build Wordpress sites for my clients, and own many myself, but it was overkill for just a blog. The load time was killing me, I did not need the extra bells and whistles for my personal blog. The biggest issue was the iphone/ipad app that allowed me to post onto Wordpress. Granted it has gotten better over the years, but I just preferred the Blogger App more. To me now, a simple navigation, quick load time, and the ability to publish post using mobile technology made more since for my needs.

Honestly, neither blog software is truly better than the other, they just serve different purposes.

Note to Readers* If you have specific questions on which blogging software might be best for you, leave a comment and I will do my best to respond in a timely manner.


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